AI in HR — Opportunities and Challenges

AI seems promising in the HR space as the experts are expecting it to transform every aspect of HR processes.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is enabling several industries to transform their work culture and streamline their processes. Human resources (HR) have relied largely on conventional processes with minimal technological interference. Even the incorporated technologies focused more on sorting the candidate’s CV based on the criterion that wasn’t exhaustive enough to cater to the requirements. AI seems promising as the experts are eyeing its potential to transform every aspect of HR processes. AI can be used to streamline the recruitment process. From allowing the chatbots to decide upon the best questions to ask new potential employees to streamline the recruitment process, AI can provide an edge to the industry.
Apart from the recruitment process, AI can play a role in highlighting performance issues, and in identifying changes in employee sentiment. It can even make recommendations over the termination of employment. There are several other means in which AI can be useful for HR teams. However, the major conflict that arises here is whether AI can actually fit into the industry as it promises, especially as the industry relies heavily on human interactions?
Here is the primary concern that accompanies the technology and its incorporation in the HR sector:
Intelligence that Lacks Human Factor
Experts are enthusiastic over the application and vast scope of AI within the HR process. However, the technology tends to undermine human rational and makes a decision purely based on process rather than common sense to intervene and make alteration as and when necessary.


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